Our next drawing will be for a Ruger Wrangler Single Action Only Revolver 22LR with Birdshead synthetic grip.
Second prize: S&W GunSmarts eye and hearing protection.
The drawing will be held as soon as the tickets are sold.
Previous drawing winners!
We had a drawing at our March 2, 2023 members’ meeting. The winner of the first prize, a Smith & Wesson 642 Centennial Airweight .38 special+P, 1.875” barrel, stainless steel, light weight, black rubber checkered grips, was Marrisa Casey from Imperial, Missouri. Second prize, A Bushnell Red Dot Electro-Optics, was won by Gene Dultz of St. Louis.
We had a drawing at our December 2, 2021 members’ meeting. The winner of the first prize, a Stevens/Savage 320 Security 12 gauge 18.5” 5 round Matte, was Diane Parolin. The winner of the second prize, a Benchmade 3” Self-Folding Knife with Friends of NRA Logo on the blade, was Don Runge.
Gateway Civil Liberties Alliance | P.O. Box 440280, Brentwood, MO 63144 | 314-385-GUNS (4867) | Questions@gclastl.org